ABSENCES: Much of our learning takes place together in class. We do lots of hands-on activities and group work. Please plan to attend school every day, except in cases of illness or emergencies. If your child will be absent, please call the office at 978-774-5010 as soon as you know he/she will not be in attendance.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is taken at 8:20 am.  Students arriving after this time will be marked tardy or absent. 

ARRIVAL at school may begin at 8:00 am, although school does not start until 8:20 am. It is best that the children arrive by 8:15 am so that they will be present for morning announcements and ready to start the day at 8:20.

BIRTHDAYS: If you would like, you may send in a non-food item to celebrate your child's birthday. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate his/her “half-birthday.” Please do not send birthday party invitations to be distributed at school unless all children in our class receive an invitation.

BOOK ORDER FORMS will be sent home for you and your child to look over every month. Book clubs offer fantastic deals! Checks should be made payable to SCHOLASTIC.  You can also order online with a credit card.

CONFERENCES are held at the end of the first  trimester. Watch for information and reply accordingly. We are also available to conference as needed.

COMMUNICATION is important. Feel free to contact me when you have a question, comment, or concern. You can reach me by email at jodidurgin@danvers.org or write a note in the communication folder.

COMMUNICATION FOLDERS help keep us organized. This folder houses our weekly newsletter, homework, and other important information that assists with communication between home and school. They should be taken home and returned to school DAILY.

DISMISSAL: We begin packing up at 2:20 p.m.  Prior to that we are actively engaged in instruction and activities.  Please make every effort not to dismiss your child prior to the close of the school day.   If there are any changes in home transportation, a note from home is required.  If you need more of the pink slips from the office please let me know.

EARLY RELEASE DAYS will take place on 9/8/10, 9/9/10, 9/10/10, 10/6/10, 11/3/10, 12/1/10, 1/5/11, 2/5/11, 3/2/11, 4/6/11, 5/4/11, and 6/1/11. On Early Release days, students eat lunch at school and are dismissed at 1:15pm. 

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO should be on file in the office. If your address, or any of your phone numbers change, please inform the office (and us!).

EMAIL is my preferred method of communication for simple notes because of the quick turn-around. Details about your child's progress will not be shared through email and dismissal changes should be sent on the pink slip.  Email is excellent for questions about lessons, clarification of a homework assignment or to request a conference.   If you have an email address that you check regularly, please provide it to me to maximize our communication.

FIELD TRIPS: We are hoping to take several field trips this year.  Chaperones are selected by lottery.  Details will be sent home as soon as we have them.

GRADING: Students will be assessed  based on their performance in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies, as well as the special areas (music, art, and PE).  They are given time and opportunities to practice each skill prior to the formal assessments.  Grades are a result of their progress, demonstrated knowledge and active participation in lessons and class discussions.

HOMEWORK: Weekly homework will consist of a daily math along with either a spelling, grammar or writing assignment Monday through Thursday evenings (given on Friday, due the following Friday). Twenty minutes of nightly reading is also required. Students must complete their Weekly Homework Log, and parents are asked to sign the log to indicate that homework was completed. The Weekly Homework Log is due every Friday.

INCENTIVES: We all know that the offer of incentives can be a fun way to help motivate students to succeed. Ask your child about our behavior Bingo game and our daily clip chart.

INDEPENDENCE is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. Third graders are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please encourage them to think through and problem-solve in everyday situations.   When your child approaches you with a question ask, "What can you do to solve that problem?"

KEEP INFORMED by reading our newsletter every week and checking the Communication Folder daily for notes and information. Also, please check out our blog often. We plan to update it regularly to share events, lessons, and photos from our classroom activities. http://www.riverside3rdgrade.blogspot.com/

LUNCH takes place at 11:00 am.  You should have received a mailing from the DPS with information on the new lunch payment program and your child's PIN number.

MCAS The MCAS is a statewide test your child will be taking in the spring. It assesses reading comprehension and math concepts. The reading takes place in two session between March 22nd and April 4th 2011 and the math will take place between May 10th and May 24th.

MYSTERY READERS: Would you like to read to the class? Shhhh…keep it a secret and sign up to be a Mystery Reader. Kids love surprises! I will send home available dates – you pick the date(s) that work best for you.

NEWSLETTERS will be sent home every other week in the form of an emailed PDF.  If you would prefer a paper copy that is an option as well.  Important information is always included, so please read carefully. In addition, Mrs. Powers will be sending home a monthly newsletter.

NO SCHOOL: Please see the link for the 2010-2011 district calendar for school closings.

OPEN HOUSE will take place on 9/15/10 from 5:45 - 6:45.  This is an informational night for parents only.  We look forward to showcasing our student work for the entire family at our Spring Open House.

PE  We have PE once a week.  Children should wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.  Coach will sometimes take the children outside.  For that reason, it is important to also have appropriate outerwear.  In 3rd grade students will have the opportunity to use Trikes and also snowshoes...well, if there is snow.

QUESTIONS: Instead of asking your child, “What did you do in school today?” ask, “What book did you read during independent reading?” or “What did you learn in math?” or “Tell me what you wrote about during Writing Workshop!” Show that you’re interested, and ask specific questions. Most likely, your child will respond positively and more openly.

REPORT CARDS will be sent home in December, March and June.

SNACK: Kids need snacks! When healthy snack choices are made, they provide the nutrients and calories kids need for growth, good health and energy to get through the day. Please pack your child a healthy snack and a bottle of water to enjoy on a daily basis.

SUPPLIES: A supply list was sent home with the second grade report card to indicate the items your child needs in class. Please make sure your child is prepared for school  with those essential items. Your child should also have supplies at home (as well as a quiet place to work) to complete at-home assignments.

TARDIES: If your child arrives at school after 8:20 a.m., he/she is required to stop by the office to sign in.

UNIQUE:  Each student is unique. We always strive to differentiate instruction to ensure that all children get what they need to be successful in third grade.

VOLUNTEERS and VISITORS are welcome! There are many opportunities for you to be involved in the classroom this year. Be on the lookout for upcoming info. Prior to volunteering in the classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you will need to complete a CORI form.  When you arrive at school to volunteer or visit, please register in the office and pick up a badge instead of coming directly to the classroom. This policy is for the safety of your children.

WATER BOTTLES: Please feel free to have your child bring a water bottle to class. I prefer the reusable, aluminum water bottles with tight fitting lids or the plastic bottles with sports tops (fewer spills). Please encourage your child to bring their water bottle home regularly to wash it.

WISH LIST: Post-It Notes in interesting shapes or colors, colored copy paper, computer paper with borders, dry erase markers, top-loading sheet protectors, portable CD players for individual listening centers, cardstock (white and multicolored), multicolored pipe cleaners or Wikki Sticks, gently used games or puzzles for indoor recess or enrichment, books and other classroom items.

It is EXTRAORDINARILY important for your child to have a successful third gradeYEAR. I will do my best to make learning fun and exciting – you can expect a lot of growth in so many different areas. It will seem as if the 2010-2011 school year will ZOOM by!